Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Local Wisdom: Sing Jembar Segarane, Luaskan Lautanmu

Local Wisdom: Sing Jembar Segarane, Luaskan Lautanmu Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Oleh: Agung Praptapa

Saya terkejut dengan datangnya telepon yang mengaku dari Gedung Putih. “Ini dari asisten pribadi Presiden Obama, beliau minta disambungkan pada Anda” kata suara seorang wanita dalam bahasa Inggris yang temponya dipelankan karena sadar sedang berbicara dengan seseorang yang berbicara bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua. Tentu saja saya setuju. Suatu kehormatan yang luar biasa ditelpon oleh seorang presiden Amerika. Dan ternyata benar, ini memang telepon dari Obama. Saya sangat kenal dengan suaranya, termasuk diucapkannya “kata-kata sandi“ yang sering kita jadikan sebagai guyonan. Saya cukup heran karena dia masih ingat dengan baik beberapa istilah yang sering kita gunakan saat itu. Setelah berbasa-basi dengan Obama karena sudah hampir 10 tahun kita tidak saling berjumpa, dia masuk pada pokok persoalan.

“Kamu kan orang jawa, saya ingin dengar saran kamu yang khas seperti kamu sampaikan sewaktu kamu masih di Amerika dulu” katanya. Saya jadi ingat, sewaktu sama-sama kuliah di Amerika memang saya dan Obama sering terlibat obrolan, bertukar pikiran tentang falsafah manajemen Jawa. Dia sangat antusias bila saya m
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Sunday, December 13, 2015

(De)sain Masa Depan

(De)sain Masa Depan Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Desain suatu produk atau layanan adalah penentu yang memengaruhi ragam dan tingkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di masa depan melalui berbagai cara. Desain berpengaruh dan beredar secara kompetitif, seolah “senjata” yang melekat pada strategi bisnis. Desain menjadi juga semacam jembatan antara perusahaan dan konsumen dalam format interaksi interpersonal seperti: pertemanan, kepercayaan, keterandalan, bahkan pengakuan.

Di sisi lain, kepekaan menangkap efektivitas sebuah desain sangat bergantung pada tingkat kecerdasan interpersonal seseorang, salah satu komponen kecerdasan yang memampukan sang penanggap mempersepsi tingkat kritikalitas suatu kebutuhan, keinginan, gelagat, dan hasrat orang lain dalam rentang waktu tertentu. Makin tak pasti dan makin penting pemenuhan suatu kebutuhan, makin kritis kebutuhan, dan makin tinggi bobot desain yang berkenaan dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan itu.

Jadi, desain yang futuristik adalah yang mampu menjawab kebutuhan kritis: kebutuhan yang sangat penting sekaligus sangat tak pasti sebagaimana saya sentilkan melalui cerita berikut.

Bubur Telanjur Kala mengulang membaca buku “Catatan Seorang Demonstran”, yang tak lain adalah catatan harian mendiang Soe Hok Gie, adik Arief Budiman; saya teringat kejadian sekitar 26 tahun silam. Salah seorang sobat saya, yang juga pendaki gunung seperti Soe Hok Gie, meninggal secara misterius di saat mendaki gunung Sumbing, Jawa Tengah.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Pesan Yang Kurang

Pesan Yang Kurang Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sepi. Berat. Itulah yang setidaknya ku rasakan saat ini. Semua indraku belum berfungsi dengan baik. Telingaku, tengah berusaha menyempurnakan pendengarannya. Aku menarik nafas kembali. Mataku, masih terpejam dan seluruh tubuhku terasa kaku. Meski begitu, samar-samar ku dengar suara indah itu. Yang membuatku tenang dan sangat tenang. Hujan. Ya, suara hujan adalah nada terindah yang pernah ku dengar selama ini.

Tenagaku terasa memudar. Aku tau, aku tengah berbaring sekarang. Di suatu tempat yang bahkan aku sendiri belum mengetahuinya. Sebenarnya, bisa saja saat ini aku membuka mataku dan memeriksa dimana diriku sekarang. Tapi… aku. Aku ingin bersantai dulu. Ya, seperti ini. Dengan tubuh lemah, yang dapat ku lakukan memang hanya seperti ini bukan? Berbaring dengan memejamkan mata. Setidaknya ada suara rintik itu yang membuatku tak bosan. Sudahlah, kalau bisa aku ingin melakukan ini selamanya. Entah kenapa.
Lalu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi padaku sebelumnya?

“hey.. cepat.. sadarlah sayang..”
Tunggu. Suara lembut itu? Suara lembut yang seolah menyadarkan bahwa aku harus cepat sadar, bahwa ada seseorang yang tengah menungguku kini, dan ya, aku bukanlah gadis malas yang senang membiarkan tu
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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Ketika Kaisar Memerintah Dengan Belas Kasih

Ketika Kaisar Memerintah Dengan Belas Kasih Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Tahun pertama masa Zhenguan, Kaisar Tang Taizong memberitahu kepala personil kerajaan, ?Kehidupan perempuan di lingkungan istana sangat memprihatinkan. Pada akhir Dinasti Sui, istana kerajaan terlalu banyak merekrut tenaga kerja perempuan. Banyak dari mereka tinggal di kota lingkar luar istana, dimana kaisar jarang berkunjung; hal mana hanya menghamburkan uang dan tenaga. Saya tidak menyukai situasi ini. Yang mereka lakukan hanya membersihkan rumah. Apa lagi yang dapat mereka lakukan? Biarkan mereka pulang ke rumah dan menikah. Kita dapat menghemat uang dan orang-orang akan lebih bahagia serta memiliki kehidupan pribadinya.?

Setelah itu, istana kerajaan mengirim pulang lebih dari 3.000 perempuan.

Tahun kedua masa Zhenguan, Tiongkok Tengah mengalami masa kekeringan diikuti dengan kelaparan yang parah.

Kaisar Tang Taizong mengatakan kepada menteri-menterinya, ?Cuaca yang ekstrim adalah akibat dari kekurangan De (kebajikan, budi pekerti) pada diri saya, saya memerintah tidak berdasarkan kebajikan. Karenanya kita sedang dihukum. Kesalahan apa yang rakyat telah lakukan sehingga harus menerima penderitaan ini? Saya mendengar rakyat telah menjual putra putrinya demi uang. Saya merasa sangat se
... baca selengkapnya di Ketika Kaisar Memerintah Dengan Belas Kasih Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor Satu

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Saya Mau Berubah

Saya Mau Berubah Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Dikisahkan, di sebuah seminar motivasi, setelah mendengar banyak kiat-kiat dan pelajaran di sana, saatnya para peserta pulang dengan membawa kesan dan semangat yang membara untuk dipraktekkan di kehidupan mereka lebih lanjut. Di antara mereka, beberapa orang tampak mengalami kemajuan yang berarti. Mereka yang merasakan manfaat dan sangat terbantu setelah mengikuti seminar tersebut, memberitahu teman dan saudara-saudaranya bahwa seminar yang diikutinya sangat bagus dan luar biasa. Dia mulai melakukan anjuran yang diajarkan dan mengalami perubahan cara pandang dan kebiasaannya. Dikesehariaannya, dia berusaha terus menyemangati diri sendiri, aktif mengikuti kegiatan yang positif, mengarahkan seluruh perhatiannya pada usaha yang dijalankan, dan hasilnya….perubahan yang luar biasa dikehidupannya! Mengalami kemajuan dan bersyukur!

Ada kelompok yang lain. Setelah mengikuti seminar, mereka juga tampak bersemangat, bersiap-siap untuk mengadakan perubahan, membuat rencana sedetil mungkin. Sayangnya, setelah beberapa saat, rencana yang dibuat tetaplah rencana. Blok mental karena kebiasaan yang dijalani selama ini yakni malas, menunda, tidak bisa menerima penolakan, cepat putus asa saat mengalami benturan, serta cara pandangnya yang negatif terhadap sekelilingnya menyebabkan dia kembali ke pola lama dan mu
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Monday, November 9, 2015

Bolehkah Aku Membenci Ayah?

Bolehkah Aku Membenci Ayah? Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Orangtua merupakan tumpuan bagi setiap anak, memiliki orangtua yang lengkap adalah keinginan setiap anak di muka bumi ini, tak terkecuali dengan ku. Namun, takdir berkata lain bagiku. Lah Peristiwa 16 tahun yang silam telah merubah kehidupan menjadi sosok anak yang tumbuh tanpa peranan seorang Ayah. Memang semua terbayang sangatlah berat namun kini telah ku lalui semua hingga aku tumbuh menjadi seorang remaja yang kuat dan tegar dalam menghadapi persoalan hidup. Tanpa kehadiran sosok ayah yang mendampingi ku tentu ada sosok lain yang menggantikannya tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah ibu. Ibu bagi ku adalah sosok luar biasa yang memiliki peran ganda oleh keadaan, ia menjadi sosok ibu yang penuh kasih sayang dalam merawat anaknya hingga menjadi sosok perkasa mencari nafkah untuk membiayai kehidupan kedua anaknya.

Mengingat kembali memori 16 tahun yang lalu saat kisah getir itu terjadi pada diriku dan keluargaku sudah tentu berdampak pada psikologis ku. Sering terlintas di bayang ku saat pertengkaran itu, hal ini sering membuat ku seperti orang bodoh yang kehilangan akal sehat namun berkat orang-orang yang b
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Saturday, November 7, 2015


Biola Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Niccolo Paganini, seorang pemain biola yang terkenal di abad 19, memainkan konser untuk para pemujanya yang memenuhi ruangan. Dia bermain biola dengan diiringi orkestra penuh.

Tiba-tiba salah satu senar biolanya putus. Keringat dingin mulai membasahi dahinya tapi dia meneruskan memainkan lagunya. Kejadian yang sangat mengejutkan senar biolanya yang lain pun putus satu persatu hanya meninggalkan satu senar, tetapi dia tetap main. Ketika para penonton melihat dia hanya memiliki satu senar dan tetap bermain,mereka berdiri dan berteriak, "Hebat, hebat."

Setelah tepuk tangan riuh memujanya, Paganini menyuruh mereka untuk duduk. Mereka menyadari tidak mungkin dia dapat bermain dengan satu senar. Paganini memberi hormat pada para penonton dan memberi isyarat pada dirigen orkestra untuk meneruskan bagian akhir dari lagunya itu. Dengan mata berbinar dia berteriak, "Peganini dengan satu senar." Dia menaruh biolanya di dagunya dan memulai memainkan bagian akhir dari lagunya tersebut dengan indahnya. Peno
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Saturday, October 3, 2015

How to turn off Autorun Virus

Have you ever heard of info on the affected computer autorun virus? Although the virus is classified as a local virus that is not so dangerous, but for a novice computer user can be made dizzy and confused with the act of this virus. The virus usually causes a variety of symptoms and effects that are less awkward in the eyes .... hehe symptoms or effects are:
1.Selalu appear file called sortcurt

Basic Command Os Windows

hello my friend? how are you, hopefully alright yes!
This afternoon admin okay to want to share a bit of Sciences of Basic Commands Windows Os
the science on this one. , also in school admin loh .. xD is a lesson in KKPI
hehehe since admin is somewhat less understood, there is no harm if the admin share a little of this science to buddy Blogger :) hehehehe

ok following details!
DIR command

Various of Computer Network

Communication between computers in addition to bias the case can occur only between two computers, can also involve dozens, hundreds or even millions of computers interconnected by a communication network. Computer-computer interconnected in a network of communication called the Network Computer (Computer Network). In the computer network of data exchange takes place in the form of images, text,

Computer Network Topology

Computers interconnected by a network could be just two pieces, but also can be tens, hundreds or even millions. There are several ways to interconnect the computer-computer. How to connect multiple computers to form a computer network called network topology.

Various computer network topologies include:

    a. Topology Tree (Tree Topology)

Or tree topology called hierarchical topology

Friday, October 2, 2015

Definition And Branches of Art

In daily life, you may often say, "Well ... it was wonderful! Art really, yes! "For example, looking at the mountains with roads winding, beach with the water looks blue, flower gardens colorful painting of a famous painter, beautiful decor, the voice of a singer whose melodious, and the movement of dancers flexible. Among keindahaan above, are all called art?

What is Art ?

1. Understanding of

Definition of BIOS and Functions

Ok maybe my friend was Bios Curious what?
The following Definition And Function

What is BIOS ? 

BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System. Bios is a software program or a low-level interface that serves to control or control hardware installed on the computer.

Bios stored or embedded in ROM (read only memory).
Each motherboard has named Bios, and when the bios is broken then most likely the

Definition of PHP and MySQL

What is PHP ?

Understanding PHP

PHP is a scripting programming language that is most widely used today. PHP is widely used to program dynamic web site, although it was likely used for any other use.

Famous examples of PHP applications are forum (phpBB) and MediaWiki (the software behind Wikipedia). PHP can also be seen as an alternative to ASP.NET/C#/VB.NET Microsoft, Macromedia ColdFusion,

How to Decide boyfriend Girl or Guy

Hello friends ... ..MyKnowledge this time to provide input to help you eliminate the rope love lovers, either by way of fine or coarse manner. You should think again before deciding to breakup with a girlfriend, because you might regret later on. Boyfriend we also might hurt, physical pain, stress, depression, resentment, etc. if we are one way to end it.
Emotional moment, girlfriend made a small

Definition of Hardware

What is Hardware ?

Hardware is devices that are arranged in such a way so as to achieve the desired goal. Hardware can operate when given electric current. Chain of electronics are arranged in such a way only to recognize the power supply voltage, both positive and negative digitally known as 1 and 0.

Hardware only recognize numbers 1 and 0. To interact with the hardware simply by using

Definition of Software

Understanding literally software is software; software; computer program. A standard term in Indonesian software is software. Software is a collection of some of the commands executed by the engine in running the job commuters. Software (software) This is a record for the engine computer to save the command, as well as documents and other records.

In addition, the software also an electronic

What is Linux?

Linux is like UNIX Operating System, which is an independent implementation of the POSIX, including true multitasking, virtual memory,
shared libraries, demand loading, proper memory management, and multiuser.

Linux like UNIX, supports many software ranging from TEX, X Window, GNU C / C ++ to TCP / IP.

Linux is an operating system that is widely distributed for free under the GNU General

Some Terms In Game Online

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

Good afternoon all friends

How are you?? at all healthy right ??
Already long post ,, ya, I do not understand again busy with class schedules and more thinking also post title in what would be the point made eehh bolt hehe: D

On a sunny afternoon, I'll post an article entitled "The various terms in Online Game".
Yaappzz for gamers, this term may

How to Make Folder Can not Get Deleted

Now I will post How to Create Folder Can not Remove. Making the folder that can not be deleted can to overcome the virus autorun.inf the same method as SmadAV so autorun.inf no longer be forged with fake alias autorun.inf virus.

Well for Creating Folders can not be deleted easily, this time not to use the software, but by using the command prompt.

Step by Step create a folder could not be

How to Seduce or Gain Women

Want to have a girlfriend or reply PRETTY PERFECT of "UP DOWN until" ??

ok immediately wrote Tips & trick:

Steps by Step to Seduce or Gain Woman :

* Try to start talks with him, speak with confidence, but do not try to cool, smart ass, smartass or jaim, commonly wrote first.

* Perhaps you false confidence early but he will respond to you naturally.

* Practice beforehand with another girl.

How to Shutdown Computer Other People With LAN Network

fad is an easy job in my opinion, although sometimes make people upset with what we do well what can make when it kicks we like already entered and have fun here I input the article how to bully people by turning off the computer with the sudden use comand prompt ( cmd)

 Work on the Intruder (Shutdown)

 Being an intruder is fun. But everything would be annoying when we are in the

How to Move Cursor or Pointer Without Mouse

Your mouse suddenly dies or is damaged, want to buy the mouse does not have money or do not have time. Now would be a good idea to try the following tips are moving the mouse to the keyboard, these tips are very suitable in the development of emergency keaddan if your mouse suddenly broken.

ok just follow me:

Press ALT (left) + Shift (left) + NumLock simultaneously. This will

How Fast Removing Dizzy or Headache

You experience dizziness or headaches? Well, in this post will beritamandiri little about how this rapidly relieve a headache without taking drugs ,,, logH can qo? Well this is the method that I did when I was dizzy. Little or much, almost everyone has experienced headaches, because we do not take it lightly when we know that headaches can also be dangerous.

Broadly speaking, dizziness can be

Knowing And Overcoming The Slow Computer or PC

for this time I share for friends How to overcome a slow computer or slow definitely friends all have experienced this slow computer slow and annoying ...........

Here are 10 causes of slow computers and how to overcome them.

1. The computer is slow because of lack Memor
Slow computer problems because of the lack of RAM installed is of generally known by all computer users. For that try to

How to View or Check IP Address Computers

Maybe some of my friends do not know this (I know Her computer's own IP address). It is very easy.

Step By Step Ways of Viewing the IP Address Computer :

1. Open Command Prompt. Click Run and type CMD or can also type in the Command Prompt.

2. After CMD or Command Prompt opens, type ipconfig

3. And your IP address will appear as shown below.

Simple little trick of my hope to help my friend.

How to display the menu Run On Windows 7 and Windows Vista

Have you ever thought like this: why in windows 7 or vista no menu run? or How menu displays run in windows 7 or vista how? hehe I also never faced a problem like this before when you first move from Windows XP to Seven (7) turns on this OS, run the menu is not displayed directly.
Whether in sembunyiin or something, I do not understand about it. clear menu run on windows seven / vista not in

How To Handle "Consider Replacing Your Battery" In Windows 7

For users of laptops or PC Computer with the operating system Windows 7, sooner or later you will surely get a notification "Consider replacing your battery" is accompanied by the appearance of a red cross on the battery icon in the system tray. Notification that appears when Windows 7 "assume" it's time your laptop battery replaced.

Note that this notification appears when Windows 7 detects

Speed up Windows XP Installation Trick

Install windows xp is indeed a long time about 30-45 minutes depending on the PC, but installing windows xp can be accelerated so that less 10 minutes of installing xp in the usual manner.

Well please refer to the following way;

Booting the CD as usual and wait for the copying and formatting DOS mode to complete, the computer will restart and will continue to install the GUI mode


Computer or PC Solutions Could Not Shutdown

For those of you who have a problem when shutting down the computer and immediately restart AKA does not want to die, here there is one of my experiences that might be useful for those of you who experienced similar things.

Computers that when in shutdown instead be restarted actually not restart unusual, especially for users of Windows XP OS. This problem is actually caused by his error of your

How to Speed ​​up Booting Windows XP on Computer

Often we feel irritated or lazy when first loading on our computer is very slow, even sometimes menununggu first loading until a few minutes. It was greatly hindered the work will be completed. Although the computer specifications we've been good but sometimes bootingnya also very slow. But some advanced computer users can easily change the first boot windowsnya system quickly. For those of you

How to Turn Off or Disable Autorun

Hey buddy, this time I will try to review the tricks how How to turn off Autorun on Windows XP and Windows 7. Why why need to turn off the AutoRun function in Windows because today many different kinds of malware and other viruses that spread through flasdisk. If the autorun function on a clean computer is enabled so if there is a flash bervirus connected computers will be come infected.


How to Speed ​​Up Booting Windows 7

Windows 7 is one of the best operating system owned by Microsoft today. But many complain about booting windows 7 is too long at start up. To overcome these mater, will discuss how to speed up booting windows 7 how to disable the screen spalsh,

Windows 7 logo splash screen is the display windows that appear when you first turn on the computer. The emergence of the windows logo and the words "

Benefits and Drawbacks of Windows 8

Some time ago, Microsoft has released their latest operating system, namely Windows 8. Of course the presence of Windows 8 was warmly welcomed by lovers of the windows, which have long waiting. Microsoft's operating system comes in three different versions, namely Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro, and Windows 8 RT.
Even for a promotional event, Microsoft had to pick a beautiful singer Lenka as their

Harmful bacteria

Bacteria destroyer food

Some species of decomposers grow in food.
They change the metabolism of foods and issued in the form toxins (poisons).
The toxins harmful to human health.


Clostridium botulinum, produces toxins botulinin, often found in canned foods
Pseudomonas cocovenenans, generating Bongkrek acid, found in soybean Bongkrek
Leuconostoc mesenteroides, cause food mucus

Thursday, August 27, 2015

4 Site to measure the speed of the internet

how to measure the speed of the internet, program to measure the speed of the internet, Site to measure the speed of the internet
Some Site To Measure Your Internet Speed ​​- Internet is already commonplace in the community, usually the internet allows people to socialize through cyberspace, get a variety of information, or just for entertainment such as watching videos, playing games.

But have

Things could not be spoken Father to Daughter

It Can not Get Pronounced father to his daughter
Hal Yang Tidak Bisa Diucapkan Ayah Kepada Anak Perempuannya
Typically, for a grown-up daughter, who was working abroad, which took him to wander out of town or overseas, who were at school or college away from both parents .. will often feel nostalgic once with her mother. And what about Dad? Perhaps because Mom more often call to ask you doing



1. They reasoned γang NOT have the time are they γang let time set hidupnγa ... rather than vice versa.
2. The matter was fair ... he came to everyone, but not dengaan way out. Way out only come to them γang to look.
3. World better appreciate the γang want to do a

How to Add Site Links In The Blog

How to Add Site Links Alexa In The Blog, how to get backlinks easily, Cara Menambah Site Links In Di Blog, Cara Mendapatkan Backlink dengan mudah..

The trick is very easy, you just copy the link below into your posts

Wikipedia Indonesia
My Knowledge

then you delete the number 1 and number 2 to move parts to be number 1


How To Know The Price Of Blog / Website Us With Ceksite.Com

How To Know The Price Of Blog / Website Us With Ceksite.Com

Good afternoon,,
On this occasion I would like to provide information about
There must have been wondering what the heck were asked it ??? is a site that estimate the price of a blog or website you are coming from Indonesian.
Cara Mengetahui Harga Dari Blog/Website Kita Dengan

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Selecting hotels in Surabaya

Surabaya is the capital of East Java province which is famous for its exotic nature and promising metropolitan city. The city is predicted as the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta is not only a center of business, industry, and education in East Java, but also save the history of the deep. Tourist attractions available in Surabaya also has a blend of recreation, nature, and also a

Various Causes of Late Child Learn to Speak

In general, children will begin to Learn to Speak when entering the age of 7 or 8 months. Although sometimes, he was saying was composed of one syllable, like ma, pa, noodles, and so on. When entering the age of 8 months, the child will be growing ability to connect the syllable. Along with the development of age, the ability to berbicarapun will continue to increase. However, not all children

The Effect of Nutrition of Pregnant Women and Children Born Condition

There are so many people who say that when a person is pregnant, then the nutrition of pregnant women should be met properly. There are various types of nutrients that must be met in pregnant women, and all the nutrients are usually derived from foods consumed by pregnant women. However, pregnant women often feel nausea often make pregnant women are losing their appetite. It is this, which

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tips and How to Take Care/Doctor of Laptop Good and True

There are still many people who do not really understand how to care for the laptop properly. Some people are still a little difficulty in doing a light maintenance on this device. For example, there are still some people who are unconsciously throw the laptop battery life due to turn on additional features that are not needed when using it.

It does not maximize the function of the laptop itself

Tricks to Save/Conserve Battery Power Android

Tricks to Conserve/Saving Battery Power Android - Android device is famous for its ability to run multiple applications or the so-called multitasking. This capability is certainly very helpful for those users who prefer to use multiple applications such as messaging, mail, music and video player or gaming. But it would be very annoying if the current application is accessing a wide range of

Causes of the Android phone Slows

android phone running slow, my android phone is slow, why is my android phone so slow?
The slowing causes of Android - Android Phone underclass is often associated with the lag that makes applications run slightly stilted. Applications can not run smoothly certainly very disturbing user activity. As a solution, many users are turning to the middle and upper classes in the hope that the handset

Tips And How to Save Data Online with Online Storage Box

Online storage service has become increasingly popular lately. This is a solution for people who have high productivity, and want to open the data held wherever and whenever they are. There are many programs that can be used to store the data that we have available online that can be accessed at will, one of them

is Box. Box is expected to compete with the big names of other kinds of Dropbox and

Tips N Tricks Windows 8: Changing the System Language

Changing the system language in Windows 8 can be a complicated process, especially if you do not understand the language being used. If you've been sitting in front of a Windows computer and view your computer in a foreign language and want to change, then this could take some time. You should be looking at where the language of your choice.

This process is now made easy by following these tips

How to Install MAC OS via Flashdisk

Most people do use the operating system installation CD or DVD. Surely this is done on a PC that has a CD or DVD Rom. What if the PC does not have a CD or DVD Rom?
All it either PC or netbook that does not have a CD or DVD Rom can be overcome, because the operating system is installed it can not be done simply by using a CD or DVD Rom, but could use a flash, with the exception of PC foregoing

Natural medicine pain of tooth decay and gum swelling

The traditional way a powerful and natural herbs to treat the pain of cavities and gum swelling surprisingly easy to do. Based on the experience I've ever told on the page how Start a healthy life naturally without relying on chemical drugs where my story that tooth pain is pain that is used often I suffered and now sukur has rarely recur and that relapse only briefly, which is often not given a

Examples Small Business Profitable

Examples of Profitable Small Business - Small Business Program to be one of hope that can help reduce the problems of poverty and unemployment in Indonesia. Various small businesses that are beneficial to society should be improved towards a more prosperous Indonesia again.

Examples of Enterprises-desire small to build a small business sometimes constrained. This is due to the difficulty of

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Professional Excellence in Every Race RF Online


- Punisher: Job with attacks and critical high, has a magnetic fastening web skills and skill mangle attack, suitable for the likes riot
- Assaulter: Hi Hi attack and defend, skill Assaulter very ballance for added attack and defense, grim tetep both destroyer and gladius, quite promising for by1
- Mercen: Job that rhino is already recognized throughout the universe RF, job

Leveling Level 1 to 65 and List Experience Battle Dungeon

CHAPTER I. info info in connection with the experience (EXP):
1. skill excel charger (mercenary) add exp rate ALMOST = chocolate / candy
2. Holy Mental Wave, obtained from the ore, adding exp 0.01% off for all lv .. carany, HMW change to the NPC HSK mini next manager guild
3. The bonus exp who gained from the party (in-GB) influenced by exp rate (premiums + chocolate + skill), hitters who premium

Tips and How To Make Online Guild RF / PS

Cara Bikin Guild RF Online dengan mudah dan cepat, Cara Build RF Online, Cara Memajukan Guild RF Online, Syarat Membuat Guild.

This time Daffa Blog Will Share How to Create a Guild RF Online / PS as well as the authority to which every guild ..
Guild is a group of players, who have the same goal, to play the same way, the same strategy, when playing the game RF Online ..
By being part of a

Tips and How To Make Charm / Burst Generator RF Online Permanent

Cara Membuat Generator dan Charm Permanen RF PS/Online Terbaru 2015, Cara bikin Generator dan Charm Permanen, Cara agar/supaya Generator dan Charm Permanen.

This time Daffa Blog will share How To Make Charm / Burst Generator RF Online Permanent .. Keep in mind this bug can only be done just before the displacement Server / Server amalgamation (merger) .. so had to wait for the time when the

Tips and How to Make Leon Relic Level 55 and Level 55 in RF Online / Private Server

This time will Daffa Blog Share on RF Online / RF PS .. with the title: How to Create and Leon Relic Level 55 Level 55 ..
for my friend who Daffa blog server relic dah ama 55 leon 55 that bejibun mah ga may feel the need ..
But for a new kayak server2 WAR / HERO / Aquila / Andromeda may desperately need this thread ..
Lets Ceck It Out ..
Enough Go To Hero / Heroes and do combine .. but

Recognize and Drop Some Pit Boss ( RF Online )

PB Strayer was in the area sette mainland part nadir ,, you can see for yourself on the map ,, place in his own corner of the end ... Liad aja tuh in my SS ... Strayer PB is spown every 6 hours (unconfirmed / still doubt me Lom sure 6 hours =, =) ... This PB ,, emang easy easy easy difficult enough because cuman 4 blue AR 55 (high) + 1 TB hard for killnya ,,, if another friend AR OL ga akwkakwk

The story of Heroes II: Sitz BeHammer - Bellato ( RF Online )

After the revolution overthrew the dynasty Larfath unions (monarch), the new administrative center Bellato established in Valhalla. Many who hate government Larfath regime era (which uses full power with greed and corruption), so that the City of Odin, the old capital of nearly face destruction by the raging mob. Odin city has branded most of the people Bellato as a symbol of the system of

Some items in Game Secrets RF Online

Q: Where arms 65 rare drop-in RF Indo ??

A: PB Biolab Floor 2: Dark Sign (confirmed - I get time event invasion of monsters kmrn) ama PB Elven Deadly Eldiochore (un-confirmed), to damage it because of that I get kmrn Saint Lance Rare-B, Damage + 5 = 10,200 , +6 = 13,200, +7 = 16,900. (might be a reference to any other type of weapon damage by looking at his percentages)

Q: How to make